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PwC commits to net zero by 2030, globally

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PwC commits to net zero by 2030, globally

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Siew Ling Ong

Siew Ling Ong

Press contact Manager, Brand and Communications
Candy Li

Candy Li

Press contact Team Lead - Brand & Communications
Si Jie Lang

Si Jie Lang

Press contact Consultant Brand and Communications +65 9825 1672

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PwC commits to net zero by 2030, globally

PwC commits to net zero by 2030, globally

PwC commits to decarbonise its operations and supply chain, which includes reshaping how it serves clients, sustained reductions in travel and the increased use of zero carbon energy. PwC will embed the implications of climate change and other Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related factors across the work it does with clients, from strategy to implementation. PwC will continue to adva